Effects of Lactibiane Tolerance ? treatment on changes to the visceral

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Sophie HOLOWACZ, Research project manager, PhD, scientific

Lactibiane Tolerance 30 caps.

Life, Free Full-Text

Effects of Lactibiane Tolerance ? treatment on changes to the visceral

Nutrients, Free Full-Text

Targeting the gut-liver axis in liver disease - ScienceDirect

Hanene BZIOUECHE, University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, Nice, UNS, 06

Effects of Lactibiane Tolerance ? treatment on changes to the visceral

Bacterial modulation of visceral sensation: mediators and mechanisms American Journal of Physiology-Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology

Benefits of multistrain bacteria formulations for health - ScienceDirect

IJMS, Free Full-Text

Effects of Lactibiane Tolerance ? treatment on changes to the visceral

Christel CARTIER, Engineer, French National Institute for Agriculture, Food, and Environment (INRAE), Paris, INRAE, Toxicologie Alimentaire (ToxAlim)